

[1]. Babayigit, Ceren, Rahim Esfandyarpour, and Ozdal Boyraz. "Modeling and characterization of LiNbO3-based microring resonator modulator for synaptic sensing." In Label-free Biomedical Imaging and Sensing (LBIS) 2024, vol. 12854, pp. 47-51. SPIE, 2024.
[2]. Babayigit, C., Tavares-Negrete, J.A., Najafikhoshnoo, S., Esfandyarpour, R. and Boyraz, O., 2024, March. Advancing 3D-bioprinting with photopolymerization of orderly extruded multi-materials (POEM). In Laser 3D Manufacturing XI (Vol. 12876, pp. 9-13). SPIE.
[3]. Ataberk Atalar, Christian J. Margison, M. Mert Bayer, Ozan B. Boyraz, and Ozdal Boyraz "3D coherent lidar imaging without coherence length limitation", Proc. SPIE 13049, Laser Radar Technology and Applications XXIX, 1304904 (5 June 2024);
[3]. C. Babayigit, J. A. Tavares-Negrete, R. Esfandyarpour, and O. Boyraz, Segmentation Approach for Enhanced DLP Bioprinting,, SPIE Photonics West 2024, in Laser 3D Manufacturing XII.
[3]. J. A.Tavares Negrete, C.Babayigit, O. Boyraz, and R. Esfandyarpour, Impact of exposure time and power intensity on cell viability in 3D bioprinting, in Laser 3D Manufacturing XII

[1]. M. Mert Bayer, Berken Utku Demirel, Ataberk Atalar, Xun Li, Haoyu Xie, and Ozdal Boyraz "Optical ranging and localization at beyond the coherence length of lasers", Proc. SPIE 12438, AI and Optical Data Sciences IV, 124380H (15 March 2023)
[2]. M. Mert Bayer, Berken Utku Demirel, Ataberk Atalar, Xun Li, Haoyu Xie, and Ozdal Boyraz "Machine-learning-enhanced phase-based multi-tone continuous-wave lidar", Proc. SPIE 12428, Photonic Instrumentation Engineering X, 124280I (8 March 2023)
[3]. M. M. Bayer, A. Atalar, X. Li, H. Xie and O. Boyraz, "Photonic Localization and Positioning using Multi-Tone Continuous-Wave Ranging Methodology," 2023 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, USA, 2023, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/AERO55745.2023.10115739.
[4]. Md Shafiqul Islam, Ozdal Boyraz, "Wide field of regard metalens receiver for free space optical communication," Proc. SPIE 12666, Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering XXIV, 1266602 (2 October 2023);

[1]. M. M. Bayer, X. Li, A. Atalar, and O. Boyraz, "Phase-Based Multi-Tone CW Lidar: A Technique for Ranging Beyond the Coherence Length of the CW Laser," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (2022), p. ATu4M.1.
[2]. M. M. Bayer, A. Atalar, X. Li, and O. Boyraz, "Photonics PNT Based on Multi-Tone Continuous Wave Ranging," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (CLEO) (2022), p. JTh3A.57.
[3]. X. Li, M. M. Bayer, G. N. Guentchev, and O. Boyraz, "Design and Prototype of Auto-Track Long-Range Free-Space Optical Communication," in 2022 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC) (2022), pp. 1–3.
[4]. M. W. Khan and O. Boyraz, Polarization Sensitive Terahertz Bolometer, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022), paper JTh3A.43.
[5]. M. S. Islam and O. Boyraz, "Large Aperture and Wide Field of View Meta-Receiver for Free Space Optical Communications," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022), paper JTh3A.67.

[1]. M. M. Bayer, G. N. Guentchev, X. Li, J. E. Velazco, and O. Boyraz "Enhancing the multi-tone continuous-wave lidar with phase detection", Proc. SPIE 11828, 1182807 (2021).
[2]. G. N. Guentchev, M. M. Bayer, X. Li, and O. Boyraz "Mechanical design and thermal analysis of a 12U CubeSat MTCW lidar-based optical measurement system for littoral ocean dynamics", Proc. SPIE 11832, 118320B (2021).
[3]. M. S. Islam, I.-U. Zaman, P. Sadri-Moshkenani, M. W. Khan, and O. Boyraz, “Metalens wide-angle receiver for free space optical communications,” in Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering XXII, Aug. 2021, vol. 11814, pp. 48–53. doi: 10.1117/12.2596325.
[4]. Sadri-Moshkenani, Parinaz, Mohammad Wahiduzzaman Khan, Md Shafiqul Islam, Dan Shi, Eric Montoya, Ilya Krivorotov, Nader Bagherzadeh, and Ozdal Boyraz. "Optoelectronic Readout of STT-RAM Memory Cells Using Plasmon Drag Effect." In CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, pp. JTu3A-69. Optical Society of America, 2021.

[1]. M. M. Bayer, R. Torun, I. U. Zaman, and O. Boyraz, "Multi-Tone Continuous Wave Lidar in Simultaneous Ranging and Velocimetry", presented in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (Optical Society of America, 2020), p. SM1O.6.
[2]. Khan, Mohammad Wahiduzzaman, Parinaz Sadri-Moshkenani, Jonathan Sullivan, Ziqi Yu, Md Shafiqul Islam, Jaeho Lee, and Ozdal Boyraz. "Selective and efficient infrared detection by plasmonically heated vanadium-dioxide nanowire." In Plasmonics: Design, Materials, fabrication, Characterization, and Applications XVIII, vol. 11462, p. 114622S. International Society for Optics and Photonics.
[3]. Khan, Mohammad Wahiduzzaman, Parinaz Sadri-Moshkenani, Md Shafiqul Islam, and Ozdal Boyraz. "Active modulation of optical leaky wave antenna by vanadium dioxide corrugations." In Active Photonic Platforms XII, vol. 11461, p. 114612T. International Society for Optics and Photonics.